Have you ever had someone ask you the answer to a question, and in order to find the answer, you did a simple Google search? That leaves you wondering why the aforementioned asker couldn’t Google it their damned selves…. (I have to confess here, sometimes I like being the fastest on the Google draw – people being lazy and/or stupid makes me look like a rocket scientist at work...
Web 2.0 in Six Easy Steps
This post, written by web designer James Paden of Xemion.Com, takes a snarky look at Web 2.0 and the cookie-cutter websites that seem to be popping up everywhere. Make with the clicky here. Incidentally, this is a great web development blog, by the way, especially for freelance developers interested in taking a closer look at conversion rates and learning how to put together a powerful resume...
E-cards That Don't Suck
I gave up on e-cards long, long ago. Other than JibJab, there just weren’t any e-card sites that had anything worthwhile. Everything is always cheesy and stupid, and they spam the crap out of both the sender and recipient, if you can get past all their freaking ads to actually send the damned thing. I came across SomeEcards.Com recently, and its renewed my faith in e-cards. Check them out...